Monday, July 28, 2014

Challenge 1: Titanium

Hello World =)

If anyone else out there loves Aeropostale than you probably know that today is their big "Aero Now" launch. I attended one of the VIP events and absolutely loved their new image. New year, new you. So! I've decided to do something I've been too scared to try for years now and that is to bring my passion for music to the web. The video below is the first day of a challenge I've given myself to upload a video of me singing and playing each day (or each day I remember) and just see what happens. If you like what hear, leave a comment. If you don't, then carry on elsewhere.

PS: Sorry for the crummy sound quality! Don't turn it up too loud, my mic and the piano are still learning to become friends... Will be better next time, hopefully!

Titanium, David Guetta


  1. This makes me so happy my face can't handle it. Love the song choice for your start! And please, don't stop. :)

  2. grrr... apparently I need to become better acquainted with my computer. I tried (maybe even succeeded?) to publish a comment but then got this other screen asking me to type my comment. haha. Anyway Kali, I enjoyed hearing your voice in spite of the less than stellar acoustics and seeing your lovely face. Hurray for you in breaking out of your comfort zone to share with us; hope it was only the first of many times.

  3. i finally got to the video and watched :) i know you love this song - you have for a long time, so i wasn't surprised this was the first one you did! i love to hear you sing :) good job, baby girl!

  4. Hi, great to see you (on the computer) you have a beautiful voice and great talent in playing those instruments. Love your song choices, thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the challenge you've given yourself, Kali. THANK you for sharing your beautiful voice with us in this way!
